Monday, February 20, 2012

New World Order

  So this comming Decemeber the world is set to end. This is when many believe the start of the new world oreder will occur. The New World Order is a one world one goverment type of way. Now in the view of some this may be a good thing because it will unite us as people. However many people say this would be a bad thing because rumor has it a New World Order would mean a dictatorship. Now this hasn't been proven but it make sense.
  The New World order  states that a group of international elites controls and manipulates governments, industry, and media organizations worldwide. And they controll the banks. That mean they decide who gets the money and who dosen't.
  People speculate at who is in charge of the New World Order. Populer theories are  owners of the private banks in the Federal Reserve System and other central banks, and members of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group.
  So whats this got to do with 2012?
                 "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." 
  So what better major crisis  that the Apocalypse. The world in shambles,  hundreds of thousands dead,  mass hysteria, and  people fighting for final bits and pieces of civilazation. Who wouldn't agree someone taking controll and leading them to a "better safer" life?
  I sure hope that if we end up in a new world order that id truly is a safe better life for every one.
     Untill next time good luck and be safe.
                                                              ~ Jayfeather1997

Wanna learn more about the New World Order Click Here.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pictures? Videos? Send 'em!

Send me your Picutes and/or Videos and I'll post them here!!!!! (please allow at least 48 hours for me to post them!)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Our Last Year?!

So as every body knows, the world it said to end on December 21,2012  at 11:11am GMT. That means we have less than a year to go. But as with any "belief" there are the disbelievers who ridicule the statement.
   "We believe that those people who think the world will end in 2012 are full of sh*t." Says the creator of the Facebook page Disbelievers of 2012.  36 people have joined the site. Many people believe in the end of time, and for the most part every one believes in the end of days, but they say it's not going to be in 2012.
"We and the Earth have plenty of time left," Pyschic Silvia Brown said on the Montel Williams Show 7 years ago. The movie 2012 cause a lot of panic and blew the cover of a not very public topic. You never heard people talk about the end of the world untill they made a movie about. People have already committed suicide because of the fear of what may happen then. They have cause there family unneeded pain, says anonymous of the 2012 forum on the sad part is familys are devided amoung the issue.
However in my opinion the only statement so far that has made the least bit of sense in the bible verse
"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night;" Peter 3:10
However this sets wrong with the Atheist non-believers I can imagine. Though many of them probably feel that even if it does end we will just die and that will be the end of it. But some athiests have found themselves thinking more and more about the possibility of a God in heaven.
  On yahoo answers when asked by a user Tish one athiest said If there is a God  he sure isn't showing much compasion for the people on earth. Though IF he is real it will truly be an odd encounter when I die.   The question was later removed to manty negative votes and comments.
 So with all the angle of this debate many people are lefte ponder life after death, There final year and how they should spend it, all there mistakes and needs to fix them, and whether to live as thou it is 2000 all over agian.
Now One question...
Do you believe in the end of days on 12 21 2012?

To read more and see the doomsday countdown Click Here
To convert Greenwhich Mean time to your own time zone Click Here
To View and Join the Disbelievers Facebook page Click Here

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Freemasons.

Who are the Freemasons? Well they are some of the most famous people inhistory. They are a secret organozation that stretch back all the way to George Washingtons time. Yes George Washington was a Freemason. I for one find the organization very amazing. I secrety and the people. They are all the allure that makes me want to know more.  Heres what I found out about them and their organization.
Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that arose from obscure origins in the late 16th to early 17th century. Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world, with a membership estimated at around six million, including approximately 150,000 under the jurisdictions of the  Lodge of ScotlaGrandnd and Grand Lodge of Ireland, over a quarter of a million under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England[1] and just under two million in the United States.[2]
The fraternity is administratively organised into independent Grand Lodges or sometimes Orients, each of which governs its own jurisdiction, which consists of subordinate (or constituent) Lodges. The various Grand Lodges recognise each other, or not, based upon adherence to landmarks (a Grand Lodge will usually deem other Grand Lodges who share common landmarks to be regular, and those that do not to be "irregular" or "clandestine").
There are also appendant bodies, which are organisations related to the main branch of Freemasonry, but with their own independent administration.
So what do you think of them?

Wanna learn more Click Here.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Just in the clouds?

So after trying to do research for a different blog post i ran a cross a website with weird coud formations. When I clicked on it I though it would be the usual stupid stuff. Cats that don't in any way look like cats. You know the stupid pictures noone understands ecxept the person who took it. Well in this website was pretty awesome. In the sense of the fact you could actually make out what was in the cloubs. I seen these pictures. Most of these pictures are pretty clear and amozingy accurate with the descriptions. When you look at thes the descriptions are to the right of the pictures. I really wanted to be able to say it was a trick of the light, but its hard to with most of theses photos. i really enjoyied looking at them. I hope you to will see these photos and and them tell me what you think. The link to them is below.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Georgia Guide Stones
The georgia guide stones was nuilt in june 1979 by a man names R.C. Christian. How ever R.C Christian is a psydonem. No One knows who he really is or what his message to the world really it. Most of the the " commandments" on the stone are not very bad, Dont be a cancer of the earth. Unite the world under one common language. Just to name a few but then the first one has a lot of people thinking there  is a darker message written in these stones. The top message says Maintain humanity's population under 500,000,000.  That would mean somehow 6 billion people whould have to vanish. So does this mean there R.C Christian wanted to suggest the killing of 6 billion people or more? I'm not sure if thats what he meant by it sure is implied. So what do you think did R.C Christian want the kill 6 billion people? Or is just a suggestion to preserve no-renewable resources? Wanna know more about the Georgia guide stones check out
Below is a list of the commandments on the guide stones located in Elbert County, Georgia.
  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature

Friday, October 7, 2011

       Welcome to our life and world. So to start I would like to say hello and thank you for checking out my blog. I realized a while back that our world isn't always what it seems. We don't always know what we think we know. Now this is not some conspiracy theory thing, but like what my search for the truth has uncovered. If any one has ANY  ideals or lead to help my search please post it I will be glad to look in to it and post about it. I hope to get as many ideas as I can. (stuff like people goverment conspriacys hidden secrets, secret societies etc,) People need to know the truth and thats what I want to give them. Together we can do this!!!!!!!!!!!