Thursday, November 17, 2011

Just in the clouds?

So after trying to do research for a different blog post i ran a cross a website with weird coud formations. When I clicked on it I though it would be the usual stupid stuff. Cats that don't in any way look like cats. You know the stupid pictures noone understands ecxept the person who took it. Well in this website was pretty awesome. In the sense of the fact you could actually make out what was in the cloubs. I seen these pictures. Most of these pictures are pretty clear and amozingy accurate with the descriptions. When you look at thes the descriptions are to the right of the pictures. I really wanted to be able to say it was a trick of the light, but its hard to with most of theses photos. i really enjoyied looking at them. I hope you to will see these photos and and them tell me what you think. The link to them is below.

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